The Elkins Y is dedicated to improving the lives of men, women and children in our seven county region of central West Virginia. We provide a safe haven for fitness and fun and strive to provide quality programs, classes and activities that will help enhance your life.
What's Happening at the Y:
D&E College and THE YMCA Present the September to Remember Music Festival
Join us September 20th for a free community concert at the Citizens Bank of West Virginia Ampitheater.
Fall is the perfect time to get active, social, and reconnect with a sport you love! Recreational coed volleyball registration is open!
Red Cross Lifeguard Certification Class OCTOBER 11th, 12th, and 13th.
Get Red Cross certified in Lifeguarding and CPR/First Aid.
It's Time for Back to School!
As another summer winds down and a new school year is on the horizon, the Elkins Y wants to remind parents and caregivers that the Y’s afterschool program is a place where children can remain active and engaged during their time out of school!