Our Karate Kids class is a high-energy, 30-minute class for children

Maximize physical and mental fitness at Sensei Kenneth Maxwell’s Shotokan Karate Class. Learn katas, sparring techniques, and the philosophy of the Shotokan art.
Classes meet Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 pm. Youths 8 & up. Adults 16 & up.
Annual Dojo fees:
PreKyu-4th kyu $100
3rd kyu-1st kyu $150
1st Dan & up $200
For more information:
- Contact Ken Maxwell, Sandan (3rd degree Black Belt)
- Visit the Elkins Shotokan Karate Facebook page
- Learn more about Mumon Karate
Shōtōkan is a fusion-style karate format developed by Gichin and Gigo Funakoshi in Japan in 1938 from several styles of martial arts. The philosophy of the art is based largely on bushido and Zen with a focus on seeking perfection of character, faithfulness, endeavoring to excel, respecting others, and refraining from violent behavior.
Form and rhythm techniques include katas and sparring which include kicks, twists, turns, punches, steps, sweeps, strikes, jumps, dropping to the ground, and blocks. Participants become healthier, stronger, and more confident and patient while benefiting from enhanced physical and mental fitness and learning valuable self-defense skills.
Please observe our facility guidelines:
- Please sign in AND out with the front desk staff through the lobby entrance before the start of every class.
- If you are ill, please stay home.